DLD heldur erindi á ráðstefnu í St. Pétursborg
On 09, 10 2018
DLD var boðið til Sankti Pétursborgar í Rússlandi til að halda erindi á ráðstefnunni Waterfront.
Umfjöllunarefni ráðstefnunnar var vistvænni borgir, með fókus á lifandi borgarrými.
Erindi Dagnýar fjallaði um áhersluna á breyttar ferðavenjur og tækifæri sem skapast í borgarumhverfinu, með því að draga úr rýmisþörf bílsins.
Dæmi þessu til stuðnings kynnti Dagný vinningstillögur um skipulag Kársness í Kópavogi og Hlemmtorg í Reykjavík.
Lýsing ráðstefnunnar var eftirfarandi:
“The forum aims at adopting a broad dialogue on “ecology of big cities” focusing on urban development, community & neighbourhood involvement in creation of environmentally friendly public spaces & private living areas. It also addresses issue of preserving the cultural heritage while adjusting it to the needs of modern urban development.<br> The Forum is designed to develop themes raised in 2017 during the “Waterfront” discussion & exhibition in St. Petersburg, with the participation of all relevant Nordic & Russian stakeholders (governmental sector, private sector, community organizations and regional universities) on the role of re-development of urban industrial areas. The forum aims as well at discussing the role of competent urban planning and cooperation in addressing challenges faced by Nordic & Russian cities: quality of urban life, social sustainability & community involvement, ecology issues.
The Forum will touch on the main issues related to urban planning and management in the modern Nordic cities and will suggest approaches and methodologies achieving a better urban, sustainable and prosperous future for the cities, through a series of sessions with keynote speakers, including local, regional and international experts and professionals from the different sectors, all sharing their research and practical experiences.
● Modern trends of urban planning in Nordic countries
● Shifts for sustainable urbanization: global issues and local specificity
● Role of partners in the development of sustainable cities (youth, communities, private sector and municipal councils)
● Wooden architecture in Nordic cities: finding a balance between preservation and development needs.”